Today in class we are discussing what characteristic allows us to see things. We used laser pointers to help us figure these things out. The sun rays reflect off of you then bounce off into the lake or river. Then you see you reflection in the lake. These ideas are very important because they help us learn how you see things and how they reflect.
We also discussed the homework and realized the more light the smaller you pupil gets and the less light the bigger the pupil gets. We soon realized that many of our ideas were too complicated and we erased them. We decided that we could test the rest of our ideas. Then we found out that your eye could only take in so much light so when you look right at the sun that is why your eyes hurt. Mr. Finley brought up an idea about how much light do you think would come out of a little spot.
Below, there is a picture of a laser pointer. We used these during class to do experiments and make hypothesis and predictions. These also helped us figure out how light works and why we can't see the rays that travel in between the light source and the wall. I would have to say that if we didn't have those i would be pretty lost in most of the work we do in class.
Some confusing points in class we when we had class discussion. Although it helped sometimes it was a little hard to figure out what other people were explaining their ideas. When doing those you really have to listen and think outside of the box to understand what other class mates are talking about. I really think that was the only thing super confusing.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Period 1 Science
Yesterday, we came up with a hypothesis that light spreads out in every direction that it possibly is able to. We tested this experiment by shining the light in the corner at one wall and saw if the light would show up on the other wall. It did, so our hypothesis was supported.

We looked into this hypothesis further by watching a movie in class today. It was about light and the hypotheses we have been talking about. The children in the movie were talking about if they were in a dark room would they be able to see anything. The children all thought that they would be able to see something in the complete dark but they couldn't see anything. The girl in the video was trying to prove her hypothesis that she would be able to see the objects in the complete dark. After six minutes in the dark she could still not see anything but she continued to believe her hypothesis was correct.
This picture shows how the sun's rays of light spread out in many different directions. This picture supports our hypothesis that light spreads out in as many directions as possible.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Period 1 - Science
Today in class we discussed that light is a straight line. This feature is key. What can we use to represent light? Representation means to symbol something or to take it's place. We discussed that we can use straight lines to represent light. When we draw a straight line to represent a lasers light, it shows 3 key components. It shows the laser's path, is the path a straight line, and what does it hit. But, when we shine a real laser we can only see light on the wall and we can't see the light anywhere else. So how do we represent how eyes see the laser? Our hypothesis is that when we shine a laser at the wall, the light bounces everywhere unless it's power runs out or an object obstructs it's path. Human eyes are light receivers but not light creators. When we draw light hitting the wall, we want the arrow to come from the source and end at the wall. When want to represent humans seeing the light, we draw lines going from the wall to our eyes not arrows coming from humans hitting the wall. Our next question was what really happens when we put dust particles into the air. Our class discussed and said that when we put dust particles into the air, once the light hits the dust particle, the light will be able to bounce off the dust thus allowing us to see the light's path. Each dust particle is like a miniature wall. The light bounces off of it. This brought up yet another question. Does the light really go everywhere or only to our eyes? Then, we were assigned to bounce a laser on one side of a material near a corner and see if the light bounces off the wall onto the other piece of material. Our hypothesis is that the laser beam will bounce off any surface. We tested on wood, a television screen, the table, and a wall. It did bounce off the wood, the television, wall, and the table. I predict that when we bounce a laser off of the wood, it will show up on the other side of the wood. Our conclusion is that when we bounce a laser off any object near another object on an angle, a dim and faded light can bee seen on the other piece of wall. Did we make any assumptions though? I believe that an assumption we made was that we didn't test off every single material that we can test on. So, we should test this hypothesis with many different materials to see if we will get the same result as the result using only the objects we tested.
As you can see, the lasers travel in perfectly straight lines. I chose this photo because it was interesting to see that the lasers are clearly visible even though the are not hitting a wall. We can see them in mid-air. So this can be one of two things. Either before the show, smoke or another form of dust was spread through the air or we found a different type of laser
Monday, September 27, 2010
Period 1 - Light Blog

What we did in class today is that we tested if we could see light before it hit its final destination. We did this by taking two chalkboard erasers and covering then with flower and hitting them togheter and then shining the light to see if it would go in a straiht line. This was the testing experiment we did. The hypothesis were that nothing would happen, light would reflect off partiles and show through the laser beams, and then only afflicted parts would show on laser and not be straight. After testing the experiment we found that the flower particles visible to light before it hit the wall and proved the second hypothesis right. By finding out this answer i conclude that light can be seen before the wall and that it does indeed travel in a staright line. But i also think if the light was less concentrated it would not go in a straight line and would bounce all over the place.
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