Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Monday, December 20, 2010
Circuit Review
For the first lab or sim:
A hand causes an open circuit
Metals causes an closed circuit
Metals' have electrons that want to move
Our bodys have electrons but they don't want to move
electrons- things that circle around atoms
When we rub a ballon/ plastic parachute against somebodys hair, what happens?
- a transfer of electrons
Why does the hair stick up straight?
- Persons hair has alot of electrons, ballon none, so ballon or plastic parachute was attracted to the hair because it had a different charge. The hairs repel each other beecause they have the same charge. Zak got all of the electrons because we rubbed the plastic against his hair.
Why does the lightbulb light?
-The battery pushes the electrons through the wire
- It goes into the filament
- The filamwnt gets gets warmer through the electrons and releases light
What happened to the electron motion with 2 wires and 1 battery?
They electrons moved really really fast, that it made the battery lit up in fire.
When you add a lightbulb, what happens?
The lightbulb transforms the kinetic energy from the electrons into the

When you hold a piece of black paper close to a light bulb it gets hot because light energy was transfered into internal energy.
Inside of the filament the elecrons are bumping against each other, creating the light.
Kathleen then used a hammer to break a light bulb. The filament and and based were then passed around to figure out where the two wires went to into the base.
Light Bulb Diagram:
3. filament
4. (green wire) allows electrons to enter the bulb
5. (blue wire) allows electrons to leave the bulb
The green wire goes to the bottom of the bulb and the blue wire goes to the metal.
We then watched a video.
Video notes: Vocab
Parrel Circuit- when there is an additional track and when one is blocked you can still use the other.
Series Circuit- when there is only one track
LED- light emitting diode
Direct Current- electrons are all going in the same direction (DC)
Then in middle of the video the bell rang, so we stopped.
Media :
Youtube Videos:
1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apHkG4T6QHM - Series Circuit v. Parallel Circiut
2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZjMuIHoBeg - DC v. AC (we don't need to know AC)
3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnMP1Uj2nz0 - How a filament works
Homework for tonight is to study!
Personally I find that this electricty/ circuit stuff is pretty easy. The only thing that still confuses me is the many diferent circuits and current types. Also the difference between a current and a circuit is confusing. They said the definition for current in the video, but I was typing a different definition, and when I got to it, had forgotten the meaning and was typing the next one. I'll probably find out what it means when we watch the video some more on Wenesday, because we can't watch it on Tuesday due to our test.
Friday, December 17, 2010
More Fun With Circuit Constructions!
Finley tells us "to create a circuit with three or more lightbulbs to come up with a few different setups." and then to "draw the setups"
The following pictures shows an example of one setup that works.

Thursday, December 16, 2010
Circuit fun
People asked about internal energy in the beginning of class. Internal energy is when things warm up or cool down and is represented as triangle Uint. If it cools down it is considered negative internal energy.
We then went over the 8 homework.
Meteorite question
The meteorite would warm up when it gets close to earth. It also would get faster. The earth would make it go faster. So the system would be just the meteorite.
In the beginning it would Kinetic energy. It would not have Grav. P. Energy because the earth is not part of the system. You must have earth in your system in order to have grav. pot. e. The earth would do work on the system and as the end result you would have a lot of kintic and internal energy. if it actually hit the earth it would only have internal energy.
Sky diver question.
For the intial part of the bar chart we put just alot of grav. p. e. There was no work and for the final we had the same amount of grav. p. e. as kinetic energy and alittle bit of internal energy.
We then went on the PhET web site.
We then clicked play with sims.
We then clicked on physics on the left hand side
We then went on circuit construction kit DC only.
We then ran the program and we lit the light bulb.

I messed around with systen and i noticed that the more batteries I put on the brighter the bulb. After connecting about 10 bulbs my wire blew up!!!!
We had to draw our circuit in our notebooks. Then we had to explain how to make a circuit work and describe what you see. Then we had to explain why the lightbulb lit up.
HW Comments on blogs, and finish ques. above.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
December 15,2010

wedsnday december 15, 2010
today was pretty much a review day. first we had to think about the following situations. we had to put them in order by the amount of energy in the end of A B and C. nobody got it right at first. Mr finley drew a dotted line through the inital and final states. the displacement of a and b are the same. A has the same amount of gravitational as B has the same amount of kinetic. - kathleen answered that correct. C has less energy because the displacement was smaller.
after we went over that problem, we went over the unit 8 problems. the the ramps cant be steep and have to meet the regulations 1:12.
Mr. Finley took a spring scale that measures newtons and showed us how it works.
Conner built a ramp using his books and a white board. a weight... .25 newtons just hanging in the air, .1 when he drags the weight across the white boars. less force is used but there is longer displacement.
we went over 8.4...
turn a mass into force, then turn 30 grams into .3 killogram
drawing a bar chart could help you.
foce * displacement = work
everyone did the problem
intiial- compressed
final-in the air 50j
how high?
if work = force * displacement
30g/1000 = .03kg * 10 ( to make newtons) =.3 n
50j=0.3 *xw= force
50 / 0.3= 166 2/3n
homework... check activity paket. review!!!!! ps the website is down so make sure you get the homework before you leave class
Thursday, December 9, 2010
December 9, 2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
December 7, 2010

Today in class we learned that a crane, a slope , and a spiral staircase all can get an object from the floor to the same point with the same anount of work. For each one there is a different amount of force and displacement, but they all have the same amount of work. When we made a graph for each one they all looked the same.
After we did that we moved on to a pendulum problem. That was to see if you let it go at one point it would end up at same point on the otehr side, and it did. The other problem that we solved was what if we did the same thing but this time there was a poll that was in the middle. When we watched the video we saw that it would hit the poll and go to the same point.
Monday, December 6, 2010
December 6, 2010
a) Draw a picture of your track
b) Describe or draw your chosen initial and final states
c) Include your choice in system
d) Create three different representations (i.e. picture, bar chart, force/motion diagrams, number statement, graphs, etc) to demonstrate the changes that occurred during the process.
e) Is the skateboarding situation realistic in terms of the physics and energy?
This is what my group did..

Friday, December 3, 2010
12/3/10 Blog!
Normally, we begin class by going over the previous night's homework,but, there was no homework last night!
Finley began talking about a common mistake we've been making lately. He drew a picture of a hill that leads to a cliff at the bottom. It showed a car. The initial state of the car was it zooming down from the top of the hill and is labeled as having Kinetic and Gravitational Potential Energy. The final state shows the car in the air after flying off the hill and is labeled as having Gravitational Potential Energy. While it's true that the car in its final state does have Gravitational Potential Energy, it's lower than the initial state and therefore has less. Students usually use this situation as showing a gain of gravitational potential energy, when really, it doesn't.

Currently, we are working on an in-class activity involving an online simulation with a skateboarder. It shows a skateboarder on a ramp that we design in the location of our choosing (we picked Earth, fyi)
Here's a link to the activity: Skate Activity: http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/energy-skate-park
With the skateboard activity, we had to:
- draw a picture of our track
- describe our initial and final states
- include our choice of systems
- create different representations to show the changes that took place
- decide if the situation is realistic in terms of physics and energy
This turned out to be useful in grasping a better understanding in energy transfers and changes.
What we are learning is very vital to our understanding of science because Energy is Big! Every time we move, you have energy. Being able to know some different types of energy, how they apply to real-life situations, and what is means/does allows you to learn about what is really happening when something moves. If confused about any of the concepts, it is easy to review notes and see what something is. For example, if you don't know it there is any Kinetic energy used in a situation, look back to see exactly what kinetic energy is and see if it applies to what is being discussed.
The energy unit is definitely an important one!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Elephant Jumping On Trampoline
Monday, November 29, 2010
Josh C blog 11/29
Sunday, November 28, 2010
November 28th, 2010 Working On Bar Charts

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
November 23, 2010 - Raising the Bar
Monday, November 22, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Some of the questions we had to answer were how are Bar Charts used and my group said that they can easy represent data and clearly see the results. Another question was what does it show and we said it showed in our case money being transferred from one account to the other. The rest of the packet was pretty much just making Bar Charts. Here is a picture of what a bar chart looks like:
Friday, November 19, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Friday, November 12, 2010
November 12 2010 Period 2
The text in Red is the work done to the system
Group A- Someone Lifts Up a book- 10j+20j=30j
Group B-Pushing A Lawn Mower- 0j+5j=5j
Group C-A person Goes Bungy Jumping- 5j+20j= 25j
Group D-A car speeding down then going up a small ramp. Then it flies in the air- 40j+20j=60j
Finley-A person bouncing on a trampoline- 20j=20j No work
Group G- A rock climber starts falling down and his hands burn on the rope. 20j=20j No work
That took up all of class. A good link that I found to help. Use it if you are unclear about something
I hope the Blog helped.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Monday, November 08, 2010
One of the concepts Mr. Finley reminded us about was that, "Energy cannot be created, energy can only be transferred."
Types of Energy
Mechanical Energy- ex. chalk smashing ability or CSA
Light Energy- see information from the light unit
Chemical Energy- ex. Battery
Electric Energy- Electricity
Nuclear Energy
Changes In Energy
Lamp- Electric Energy to Light Energy
Battery, wire, and light bulb- Chemical Energy to Electric Energy to Light Energy
Our Main Focus On Energy This Unit: MECHANICAL ENERGY
Why was today's class important? Any confusion with anything? Advice?
The first important thing we did was review. Reviewing is very important. It helps us remember concepts that we may have forgotten in the past. It also helps clear up any confusion anyone may have concerning any topic.
Then, Mr. Finley talked about types of energy. This helped us understand what types of energy there were. He also said we would be focusing on Mechanical Energy. This would help us understand what we are learning.
Lastly, Mr. Finley told us to think of some situations where energy changes. This was important because it helped us understand that there are many situations when there are changes in the type of energy. The ones listed above are only a few very simple ones. Below are a few more.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
November 3, 2010
1) 0J + 20J = 20J
2) 0J + 50J = 50J
3) 40J + -40J = 0J
4) 5J = 5J
Then we played a review game to review for the test.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Chalk Smashing Ability
Why does it matter to talk about both diplacement and force?

So expressed as a number sentence 10-10=0
Yay! Daphnie saved the chalk!
We then did this again with Finley and Hleb and this time because Finley did not push as hard to stop the displacement the cart still got CSA. We now had to revisit the first hypothesis that force and displacement had to go the same way for a object to got CSA.
This is what we came up with.
Finley then gave us another puzzling question.
Where did the CSA come from?

A good guess was that it came living things. This was disproved when Finley pushed a cart into another cart and gave it CSA. The cart had given the cart CSA.
We concluded that it came from a external source of energy.
We then defined work.
Work- when we transfer energy to or from another object or system.
We can either do positive or negative work on the system.
Ex. Daphnie did negative work to the cart when it was trying to gain CSA.
We then discussed what was initial state and final state.
Initial state: where it started
Final state: where it ended up after the work
Ex. Finley lifts book
Initial state: Sitting on table
Final state: In the air in Finley's hand
We now set about to try to show how much energy the book had and got after it was lifted.
We said that the book already had 10 units of energy. After it was picked up it had 30 units of energy. Finley had to do 20 units of work in order to achieve this.
HW: Look on Finley's website
Monday, November 1, 2010
its NOVEMBER!!!!! wow! (chalk smashing experiments)
As always, we checked the homework from over the weekend. Homework from October 27 to now. we were going to play a review game, but our questions were not to good. we weren't as creative as he wanted us to be. so, no review game.
we started talking about why we see a rainbow in white light. the speeds of the light are different. the ones that bent the most will be moving the slowest. the wave length would be the smallest.
why doesn't this happen with lasers? it is ONE focused wave length.
where else do we see this happening? rain... a rainbow... the light goes through a refracts at an angle off the humidity in the air. that creates a rainbow.
any questions about the dissection on Friday? Kevin- what was the blob jello stuff... answer-fluid that refracts the light.
forms of energy- x rays, microwaves...
Conner volunteered to pick up a dictionary and smash the piece of chalk on it. he put the book higher and dropped it onto the piece of chalk.. it got crushed...
displacement- moved, changed position by some amount
what is the direction that the book was placed in order to smash the chalk.. the book went up... Conner's force was up... so our displacement was up and the force of Conner was up. so as a result the book gained chalk smashing ability.
we did another observation
now we want to give the cart chalk smashing ability. chalk is now taped to the wall and molly has to push the cart towards the wall. and try to smash the chalk.
try 1- the wheels stick out too far and the cart cant touch the chalk.. now we have an assumption that we have to work through.
try 2- we taped the chalk to a brick taped to the door and molly tried it again and it worked.. the cart has smashing ability
(force = push or pull)
the bell rang and as usual we are late trying to finish up our class hopefully tomorrow we will try to finish up our experiments on the force and chalk smashing. - G.P.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
10/28/10 Science Blog
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Wensday 10-27-10

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Period 1

Thursday, October 21, 2010
Period 1 Blog
Now we're discussing what a particle is. A particle is small, tiny, microscopic things.
The reason we need to know what a particle is, is because in air, water, quicksand, and the wall there are particles. This can help us figure out how it's like to walk through these items.
We can't walk through a wall because it has too many particles and less space, so you cant walk through.
The difference from walking through air and water is, water will take longer then walking trough air.
Hypothesis: The light slows down as it hits the water, thus causing it to bend and change its direction.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Period 1 10/20/10 Blog!!
First, we took attendance.
Next, Finley checked the homework. Our homework was to re-watch the video we saw in class. In the video, there is a laser. A block filled with water and nothing else is held up to the laser. When the laser hits the side of the block, the line no longer remains straight. Instead, the ray bends. Here is a link to the video: http://paer.rutgers.edu/pt3/movies/refraction.mov
We had to look for and discuss patterns:
Observations we made about the video-
- when the light hit the block it was no longer straight
- a faint ray was following the law of reflection and bounced off the block side
- some thought the light should not bend, but go straight
Did this activity follow the bouncy ball model (when the light hits an object, it bounces off at the same angle that it was shown) ? Why or why not? Why is the light doing this?

The light could slow down.
To figure this out, a student ran at Fin. When he approached Fin, he slowed down and tried to avoid him. When the collided, Fin pushed the student back.
Another example we used was if there was a bouncy ball launcher aimed at the water, and the water is pushing up, the ball would bounce back up and change paths. Although it should get pushed up, bounce off the water at equal angles (which it does a little bit), completely stop, go straight down in an unchanged path, or go down but get pushed up slightly, the ball actually got pushed down and rose back up.
The bending of the light inside the water and outside of the water are the same because it goes down and back up at the same angle. Why might this be happening?
Maybe water bends light because there could be some particles that change the light or the water could be more dense and is doing something to the light.
The light reflects off, but the bent line is not bouncing off at the same angle. So, part of this experiment works with the model, and part doesn't.
For homework tonight we have to compare these 4 scenarios: What is it like for YOU to walk through these things?
- Air
- Water
- Quicksand
- Wall
As for the homework, think about the density of the different items. Try to find a pattern by picturing yourself walking through the substances.
Hope this helps!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
10/19/10 Period 1
Transparent: some examples are windows, beaker and a petri dish
Opaque:floor, table, wall or a person.
Translucent: fishtank
Monday, October 18, 2010
Period 1, with Sub
-Danielle, i hope i don't have to blog tomorrow :p
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
October 12, 2010 Lasers and Reflections (Period 1)

(A picture of what I saw when I shot the laser through the protractor onto the mirror)
Later, Finley talked to us about a couple of things on our lab reports. Remember that there are no claculations necessary for today's lab. Then we talked about uncertainty, which is one half of the smallest increment, something else to think about for taday's lab report.
We walked out of class today with a proven hypothesis of lasers reflect off of a mirror at the same angle as they are shot and some things to consider for our lab reports tonight with uncertainty and no calculations.
Monday, October 11, 2010
October 11, 2010 - Playing with Lasers and Mirrors [ Period 1 ]
People, though, were playing and being somewhat foolish with lasers and pointing them to the wall and ceiling. Now this may be off topic, but, when the laser hit the ceiling light, the light spread out. As in, the one point would show, but then a glow of light would with a clearer red (kind of like transparency, you could still see the ceiling light) than the one point. This only went for when the lights were turn off. Our subsitute said we should do at least three trials, which most groups did, and we gave a little time for the people who didn't do three trials. When we turned the lights on, people began to write up what they saw, and gave back all the lasers and mirrors.
Tables discussed their hypothesis together, which caused some heated discussions at some tables. Afterwards, we discussed as a whole class if the statement was true, that laser A and B were notequivilent. A couple of groups thought no, they are not equivilent. At the end, groups wrote up their conculsions in their own opinion, but help from their groups.
Fun fact: Did you know that the laser was invented in New Providence? I bet you didn't. Our morning substitute was just so awesome to let us on this fun fact.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Lasers and Mirrors -Period 1
We also discussed why different colors affect the laser. We cam to the conclusion that some colors absorb more light and some colors reflect more. But then we had an idea. What does the light look like on different surfaces? So we got a mirror to see what would happen with the laser on it. My group saw that you can see the light in the mirror but you could also see it on some other object just as clearly because the light is reflected off of the mirror. Conor also had a good idea. His idea was that i you point the laser at a 35 degree angle onto the mirror, it will reflect off at a 35 degree angle so that the two angle would be congruent. The Finley told us that even though our hypothesis worked with a flat mirror, will it work with a curved mirror? Finley had another question for us which was does the laser hit more that one point on the mirror? Yolanda had a good idea that if we hit the laser at any point on the curved mirror, that it would work just like a flat mirror and reflect the laser off at the same angle just like a flat mirror. We all eventually agreed on that and Finley also told us that the laser only hits one place on the mirror. After that Finley gave us a new vocabulary word, normal. He said that the normal is perpendicular to the line that the laser is reflecting off of. So our conclusion for the class was that light bounces off of a mirror at the same angle that you pointed the laser, no matter if the mirror is flat or curved.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Period 1
Next we had the light and a piece of cardboard, there was a hole in the piece of cardboard. When the candle was shining there was a dot on the wall from the candle through the cardboard. The dot was the image of the candle uside down. We drew up how this happend with the rays from the light. Every table in the class had a different idea of how the candle was upside down when it went through the little hole through the cardboard. We said that the light from the bottom went through the hole and went to the top of the shadow on the wall.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Absorbing Lasers and Experiment Assumptions -Period 1
Then Mr. Finley told us that our experiment on Friday had gave data that he had never seen before. We then tried to figure out his assumption that he made.
We made three guesses:
- The size of the light bulb
- We all had the lights on at the same time
- The type of the light bulb

Friday, October 1, 2010
Period 1 - Light
During the class discussion, we talked about the results of our experiments. On the white board, Mr. Finley drew how the light fans out through the hole in the carboard. The main points of the discussion were that the the light on the wall is bigger than the hole in the cardboard. The other point that we discussed is that if there were no sides of the cardboard the light will go in all directions. The light will go all of the directions it can reach. Also, light on the wall as the surface gets farther away.
I found this link that explained the concept a little more: http://www.accessexcellence.org/AE/AEC/CC/vision_background.php
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Period 1 - Laser Pointer
We also discussed the homework and realized the more light the smaller you pupil gets and the less light the bigger the pupil gets. We soon realized that many of our ideas were too complicated and we erased them. We decided that we could test the rest of our ideas. Then we found out that your eye could only take in so much light so when you look right at the sun that is why your eyes hurt. Mr. Finley brought up an idea about how much light do you think would come out of a little spot.
Below, there is a picture of a laser pointer. We used these during class to do experiments and make hypothesis and predictions. These also helped us figure out how light works and why we can't see the rays that travel in between the light source and the wall. I would have to say that if we didn't have those i would be pretty lost in most of the work we do in class.
Some confusing points in class we when we had class discussion. Although it helped sometimes it was a little hard to figure out what other people were explaining their ideas. When doing those you really have to listen and think outside of the box to understand what other class mates are talking about. I really think that was the only thing super confusing.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Period 1 Science
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Period 1 - Science
Monday, September 27, 2010
Period 1 - Light Blog

What we did in class today is that we tested if we could see light before it hit its final destination. We did this by taking two chalkboard erasers and covering then with flower and hitting them togheter and then shining the light to see if it would go in a straiht line. This was the testing experiment we did. The hypothesis were that nothing would happen, light would reflect off partiles and show through the laser beams, and then only afflicted parts would show on laser and not be straight. After testing the experiment we found that the flower particles visible to light before it hit the wall and proved the second hypothesis right. By finding out this answer i conclude that light can be seen before the wall and that it does indeed travel in a staright line. But i also think if the light was less concentrated it would not go in a straight line and would bounce all over the place.