We first started off checking the homework. One of the questions I didn't really understand is, rubbing two pieces of paper together.Why does it heat up?Why does the temp. decrease over time? The part I didn't understand why the temp. decreased. It decreased because it is transferring all the thermal energy into the air. You wouldn't be able to feel the heat coming off the paper because it has to spread over a big area. There are not enough particles, or energy. The earth did negative heating to the paper.
We learned that heat isn't a thing, that it is a process.
Q=heating symbol
When you place a glass of lemonade(cold) into a bowl of hot water. Heating would occur, and internal energy of the lemonade would increase. Energy always travels high to low! Glass of lemonade does work on the bowl.

3 different types of heating-
We need to figure this out for homework. I think one of them is radiation.
The pictures are of the cold lemonade, in the hot bowl of water. The energy bar chart is showing the amount of thermal energy the bowl of hot water had.By, Danielle Pagano
3rd blog