We also talked about how to find the density of an object and the formula is Density = Mass / Volume.
Next we went on the Phet website to do a simulation on density. There was a few pages we had to fill out for classwork. In the simulation we were told the mass of an object in kilograms. Then we found out the volume in liters by putting the block in water to see how much it displaced the water and that was the volume. And to find the density we took the mass and divided it by Liters or the volume. We also had to determine if the block sunk or floated and if so how much. Water has a density of 1 kg / Liter and any block that was greater than that sunk because the density was greater than what water could hold up. If the amount of kg / L was less than that of water it floated. For example if the block had a density of .6 kg / L, the block would float and since that is less than the density of water. So the block would floating, but 60 percent of the block would be under water. I got 60 percent because .6 kg is 60% of the density of water which is one kg per Liter. Finally, what ever part of the pages we didn't finish was to be done for homework.
Is the density always the same as the amount of object in the water?